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The rights to its contents are held by Snaidero Rino S.p.A., with registered office at Viale Rino Snaidero Cavaliere del Lavoro 15, 33030 Majano, Udine (Italy). Tax code, VAT number and Udine Companies Register number 00153510300, Economic and Administrative Index (REA) UD-73629, share capital of €5.589.286,00, fully paid-in


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Except where otherwise indicated, the trademarks and logo that appear on this website are the property of Snaidero Rino S.p.A. They cannot be used on any other website without the prior written consent of Snaidero Rino S.p.A. The name and any trademarks cannot be used as the Internet address of other websites, or as parts of such addresses, without the prior written consent of Snaidero Rino S.p.A.


The information on this website is provided in good faith and Snaidero Rino S.p.A. believes it to be accurate. In any event, any person who intends to purchase our products should not rely on such information, but should enquire further into the actual nature of the products and their effective suitability for the intended purpose. Accordingly, all information on this website is provided without any warranty, express or implied, whatsoever, including, without limitation, warranties of product quality, fitness for a specific purpose and non-infringement of intellectual property rights. Under no circumstances may Snaidero Rino S.p.A. be held liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use of this website. The information on this website may be technically inaccurate or contain typographical errors. The information may be modified or updated without notice. Snaidero Rino S.p.A. may also improve or change the items described in this website without notice. 


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